Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

Advent Calendar

This year I had decided to make a crafted Advent Calendar for Lucas. But that was before I've realised that the last week of november would bring tons of work! It was nearly impossible to get any crafting done. Very frustrating.
So... again I had to craft stressed and joyless to get things done until december 1st. Every time this happens I swear that this would be the last... But there are things going on that you just can't plan. So... the only conclusion can be: Never craft with a deadline! But is this realistic? The other conclusion would be: Begin to craft early! - But... trust me... this is never going to happen with me.I'm afraid there's no solution to this dilemma.
But to cut a long story short. I've finished the calendar just in time and I think it's o.k. Although I thought that 24 packages would look more abundant. But no matter, Lucas is enjoying it and that's what I've made it for.

Have a nice Advent everybody, 
(And sorry for the bad quality of the pictures - even those were made under pressure)

Dieses Jahr hatte ich mir in den Kopf gesetzt, einen selbstgebastelten Adventskalender für Lucas zu machen. Leider wusste ich da noch nicht, dass in der Woche vor dem 1. Dezember eine Menge Arbeit auf mich warten würde, die mich ständig vom Basteln abhielt. Überflüssig zu sagen, dass es (wieder einmal) zu stressvergiftetem Druck-Basteln gekommen ist. Jedes Mal sage ich mir: "...dass passiert Dir nicht noch mal...!" Aber leider passiert es in regelmäßigen Abständen. Irgendwie kommt es doch immer anders als man denkt. 
Dieses Mal habe ich es noch einmal geschafft. Der Kalender ist fertig geworden und sieht ganz annehmbar aus. Allerdings hatte ich gedacht, dass die Päckchen ein bisschen üppiger aussehen würden. Aber es sind 24! Ich hab sie gezählt.

Schöne Adventszeit Euch allen, 
(Und entschuldigt die schlechten Fotos, aber auch die sind unter Zeitdruck entstanden)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Great idea! That solves the problem of the pockets being too big or too small!! If I ever make another one, then I will steal you idea of the small rings!
    Are the numbers written on the presents?

  2. Hey Fred!

    Thanks for your comment. And... there are no numbers actually. Like this Lucas is able to chose a present that he likes. He doesn't know the numbers anyway. But later on you can write them on the packages or put cute labels on each present. (And by the way... I still owe you an answer, I know... But we are managing all the rewards for Daniels Kickstarter Campaign and hopefully we will send them out at the end of this week. Then I'll have a normal life again and can answer you! I hope you are doing well so far. Best wishes, Cristina)

  3. Hi! I actually was about to email you :) will be patient a little longer then. I am almost done with all my sewing (the sewing-machine is away, I have just a few things to do by hand now), so I will be able to do the tortellinis very very soon, same for the pattern.
    Things are going fine, just a huge permanent tiredness which is normal I suppose, just a few weeks to go!
    Wishing you all the best and hope you will manage to send everything out on time :)
